Friday, 21 August 2015

No development on Camp Cove + No enlarged function centre at Gap Bluff

National Parks and Wildlife Service, which operates the properties at Gap Bluff and around Camp Cove is considering a proposal for a round-the-clock restaurant on Camp Cove Beach, an enlarged function centre at Gap Bluff and associated accommodation for party guests on Camp Cove beach.

Camp Cove is a beach for all of Sydney and a Heritage Item - not a site for commercial development . The proposal for a high-traffic restaurant at the end of this historic beach would be a blight for all beach users, a source of constant noise and bring more pressure to bear on already overstretched parking.
The proposed development in red including a new path through national park to link the function centres.
Sketch: Colin Still 

The proposal includes 

A 72-seat restaurant at Constables Cottage at Camp Cove, open six days a week Tuesday-Sunday for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

- Substantially increased function capacity at the Gap Bluff reception site which could see up to 1000 guests attending parties each day.

Accommodation for party guests at either end of Camp Cove Beach in cottages 

You can read the detailed proposals here

Please let the Minister for Planning and Environment Mark Speakman and our local MP Gabrielle Upton know what you think by signing our petition and sending your comments 

The noise implications of the reception centre expansion will be an increase to current levels, which already have a significant impact across Watsons Bay where it creates a ‘noise amphitheatre.’ 

On parking for the restaurant Camp Cove the consultants estimate that 'restaurant traffic' would require 14 parking spaces (guests plus staff).  The proposed parking for Gap Bluff is 90 slots for all staff and guests which could reach 1000 a day.

If you would like to be informed about the developments and hear about community meetings please sign up for our emails. 

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